Last month of year is full of festive like Christmas eve, Christmas, Boxing day, and New Year eve.
my year of 2009 ended blissfully. Yea! i was busy with my Christmas event at school. We,senior had a collaboration with our juniors to organized an Christmas carnival and night party. Viola! ! to Hospitality Student!~~& we all wore this damn chio red uniform lor. Imagine 300+ human wear the same red uniform walk here n there...
Ok lah! my gang actually "snake-ing"..Shhhh!!

I don't know why so many people wanna toke pic with this masterpiece.. Honestly, it does look like a 'huge colorful rubbish" to me rather than a Christmas Present Tree. hahaha!!
During the event, we have this flash mob dance knw, BEP song : I got Feeling.. It was like a super amazing job we ever did together . Funky and CooL!!!

Apart from the carnival event, at night we had this Santa Miracle Party.. Get it?. NO?
A costume party actually..which none of us follow the dress code.. ended up turned to a outdoor Rockerfella clubbing party...hahaha!!

The day after our event, is Christmas eve, the 24th..My Bff called me up for clubbing and we went to the curve, The Sanctuary. I had gv my 1st time to them...First time of ......... clubbing in KL.. believe or not?.. up to ya...lalala~

i was like suddenly became ah ting's nanny.. taking care of her after party..
Safely reached home at 6 in the morning..
I had celebrated New year eve my my bff and friends again at genting. Just for the heck of wanting to watch firework in a cool weather.. Guess what? that day was so damn cool.. i mean really cool lor! Cool until so foggy which cause us cant see the beauty of firework!.. What The!! AFter the 'No See Firework" celebration, we went to have our no taste supper at one of genting restaurant (just can't remember the restaurant name) knw, when one restaurant serve bad food, i wont bother to remember it's name lor. Furthermore, the service was bad!! How can they re-correct the bill for like THREE TIMES!.. THREE times ya knw.. *shake head*
the first time ever i saw a guy proposed to his gf..Ah Phang kneel down holding a bouquet of roses and proposed to Serena.. AWWwwwWww!! SO SWEET lorr..
they going to get marry next year new year eve...Been dating for 9 years jor!.. 9 years.. Wah! my my...

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