Wow~! it's been so long since that last sure miss out a lot of thing..What to do, i just been so busy with my industrial training....Apparently, now i have join the Butler Service team...Well,its been 2 weeks already...As a trainee, i would need to followed the Butler trainer( Donald) or senior staff . As usual, i need to observed everywork and things that being carry out by them and learn from it..Its kind of fun. I really do enjoyed it so much as all the team members are just so crazy and bitchy..LOL!! untill now i have not have any pressure during the work...Butler's job are more likely a individual profession server to assist and please the guest during their experience in the hotel..There are more engagement happen between the guest and butler which attracted to me..Not to mention that its uniform is nice and conservative which can bring out the profession and good gesture looking...I love the uniform..

Today, i have the opportunity to go for the STARHILL GALERY TOUR. Starhill Galery is one of the sister property of RCKL under YTL group. It is a luxury shopping mall in the town.( The shopping carry a lot of branded and famous brand that make it unique. Some brand that only have in Starhill Galery. It is essential for all the staff have clear picture and knowledge of the facilities in order to provided excellent service to guest. The tour took around 2 hours..yea! its a long tour ,however, i have gain more product knowledge and information through the entire tour. Honest speaking, its really a grand and luxury shopping mall that would give you different feeling and status..I should find a day to have a walk n dine there...chill~
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